Making tech skills accessible

Tech literacy is as important as learning to read. But it’s tough to learn. That’s why 100 School makes learning tech accessible, fun, and practical by turning tricky concepts into easy, daily tasks anyone can follow. For free, in just 30 minutes a day.

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Fixing tech education,
100 days at a time

Our Alumni
We’ve helped 31K+ creators, career switchers and professionals learn essential tech skills and can’t wait to help you take your first steps too!
Average Review
Tech skills can be a lifechangng if learnt in the right way. We’re proud to sustain high student satisfaction and are always listening for ways we can level up the experience.
Online School
100 School is the number one online education community for getting started in no-code and AI. And we want to teach more tech skills soon!
From India to Peru to the US, our community is dotted around the world. Get ready to make new likeminded friends globally!
Easy and Accessible
We take care to make every single one of our learning experiences beginner first, inclusive to all backgrounds and affordable.
Slow, sustainable growth to tee ourselves up for long term impact is our way. We’ve raised $0 funding, but we’re 100% backed by belief from our students, mentors and community. All the fuel we need.

Only 20% of the world’s population has essential tech skills

Imagine 4 out of 5 people struggling with basic online tasks while the top 1% use advanced AI. This growing divide affects every aspect of our lives.
Here's why it matters…

Digital exclusion leaves people behind

When most people can't engage with tech, the gap between the tech-savvy and the tech-excluded widens. This affects education, jobs, and access to services, making poverty worse.
Digital exclusion leaves people behind

We're missing out on diverse solutions

Innovation needs diversity. When only a few have tech skills, we miss out on fresh ideas and perspectives. Imagine the breakthroughs if everyone had the tools to contribute.
Our digital spaces don’t reflect us

Our digital spaces don’t reflect us

Those without tech skills are often excluded from designing the digital spaces we use everyday. This means our digital world doesn’t truly represent the diverse needs and perspectives of its users.
We're missing out on diverse solutions

Untapped human potential is being left on the table

Without tech skills, people’s potential is wasted. Think of all the innovations and businesses we miss out on. Giving more people these skills unleashes creativity and growth.
Untapped human potential is being left on the table
"People who are better equipped to use language models in their day-to-day lives will be at a significant advantage in the economy. There will be tremendous rewards for knowing how to allocate intelligence. It will be on our society as a whole to make sure that, with the incredible new tools at our disposal, we bring the rest of the economy along for the ride"
testimonial image
Dan Shipper
Co-founder/CEO at every

We’re building a world where anyone can solve tough problems with tech

We’re not just building a world where anyone can create an app, analyze data, or build AI models. We’re equipping people with skills to solve real-world problems.

Making careers in tech
more accessible
Empowering a new wave of
problem solvers
Creating more inclusive
digital spaces
Enabling more
Increasing digital literacy

This all starts with something online education has forgotten… YOU

Why it sucks
It hides behind platforms you never log into
It’s filled with jargon that means nothing to you
It ignores your full-time job and busy life
It doesn't respect your bank balance; its cost is wasted time
It teaches skills that don’t make a dent in the real world
It cares more about your purchase than your progress
It takes forever to get to the good stuff
It relies on an endless supply of motivation you don't have
It forgets you're here to unlock something, not just for fun
It assumes you know what to learn next, when
Keeps your skills hidden in a traditional CV
Teaches tools on isolated islands, so you end up with blunt tech skills
Makes learning feel like a solo-mission
How we’re fixing it
Meets you where you are—in your inbox
Cuts out the jargon and speaks plain English
So quick you can learn during your coffee break, not your weekend
Doesn’t cost an arm and a leg—just your email
Puts your new skills to work in the real world, fast
Free, but so good you want to pay for it
Keeps it real with practical, hands-on learning
Makes learning feel like playing a game
Makes learning count, not just for now but for life
Turns decision paralysis into simple daily tasks
Makes your skills visible so they speak louder than any CV could
Teaches tech to solve problems, not as an end in itself
Brings a virtual army of cheerleaders to support you at every step

How it all started

Tech startup fails
Tech startup fails
Too scared to ask the “dumb” questions
Too scared to ask the “dumb” questions
Take 2. Max starts asking the “dumb” questions
Max starts asking the “dumb” questions
Early 2020
From Twitter hashtag to global community
Twitter hashtag to global community
Mid 2020
Max turns his “dumb” questions into our first education programs
Turns “dumb” questions into our first education programs
Launching 100DaysOfAI
Launching 100DaysOfAI
100 School opens
100 School opens

Tech startup fails

Our Founder Max tried to build a tech startup. But as an all non-techie team, they were too dependent on developers. The “if only I could code” seed was planted.

Too scared to ask the “dumb” questions

Before diving into any coding bootcamps, Max discovered no-code. But he fails to learn it. He didn’t know how to get started, felt overwhelmed and quickly lost motivation.

Take 2. Max starts asking the “dumb” questions

With a new startup idea and COVID lockdown in full swing, Max gave no-code another shot. This time, he was ready to ask the “dumb” questions. To stay accountable, he publicly committed to 100 days of learning, and there #100DaysOfNoCode was born.

From Twitter hashtag to global community

As Max grew his no-code skills everyday, more folks from around the world began #100DaysOfNoCode. The light switched and we began creating a space for learners to connect and grow.

Max turns his “dumb” questions into our first education programs

Max realized it was time to add structure to 100DaysOfNoCode. He transformed his beginner questions into daily bite-sized lessons anyone could follow over 100 days. We also launched our first live bootcamp.

Launching 100DaysOfAI

With AI hype taking over, Max and team rinse and repeated the 100 day method to learn AI skills. After experiencing the power of these skills firsthand, we turned our “dumb” questions into 100DaysOfAI.

100 School opens

To teach even more tech skills using our method, we opened the doors to 100 School. We’re excited to be on a mission to build the most accessible pathway for anyone to learn tech skills!

Tiny team, big mission

We’re a team of non-techies that turn the answers to our "dumb questions" about tech into the courses we wish we had.




Partnerships & Student Acqusition Lead


Bootcamp Lead


Learning Experience Designer


Program Operations


Content Lead

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tech accessible?

Send an open application to our team!

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Real Stories, Real Impact

Discover how mastering tech, one step at a time, has transformed our students' careers and lives.